Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR H2H

On 23.03.2022 at 06:30, Náutico RR and Rio Negro RR teams played a game as part of the Roraimense tournament. The match ended with a score of 1:0.

On the match summary page, each user of will find information about the match, line-ups, substitutions, statistics, and a standings table with the results of games, both at home and away.

All available information is updated in real-time and is available to all users free of charge. Therefore, every football fan can watch the review of the match between Náutico RR and Rio Negro RR from any device with Internet access.

Moreover, besides complete information about the team's game, all fans of football matches betting will be guaranteed with odds and a prediction for the game. The percentage prediction shows which team, Náutico RR or Rio Negro RR, is the favorite or underdog and the teams' chances to play the game in a draw. In addition to complete statistics, this information will help every football betting fan make only successful bets in the future.

Also, on this page of the site, users will be able to learn interesting facts about the match between Náutico RR or Rio Negro RR teams and read the text translation of the game if they have not seen it live. This format will significantly save time for people interested in the outcome of the game and the statistical component of the match.

As a reminder, that the teams' match took place on 23.03.2022 at 06:30. The game took place as part of the Roraimense tournament. The final score of the Náutico RR and Rio Negro RR match is 1:0.

Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR Live Scores and Match Information

The latest football scores, line-ups and more for Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR.

Your live football score for Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR in the Roraimense: 1st Stage from Livescore, covering football, cricket, tennis, basketball and hockey Livescore TRs.

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Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR 22/03/22 Timeline

Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR events 22/03/22

  • Score After Full Time - 1-0

  • 90+6'

    1st Goal - Penalty - Nautico RR

  • 90+2'

    7th Yellow Card - Nautico RR

  • 84'

    1st Red Card - Nautico RR

  • 80'

    6th Yellow Card - Rio Negro RR

  • 75'

    5th Yellow Card - Rio Negro RR

  • 75'

    7th Corner - Rio Negro RR

  • 71'

    4th Yellow Card - Nautico RR

  • 66'

    6th Corner - Rio Negro RR

  • 59'

    3rd Yellow Card - Nautico RR

  • Score After First Half - 0-0

  • 45+3'

    4th Corner - Rio Negro RR

  • 40'

    2nd Yellow Card - Rio Negro RR

  • 31'

    1st Yellow Card - Nautico RR

  • 19'

    3rd Corner - Rio Negro RR

  • 9'

    2nd Corner - Rio Negro RR

  • 7'

    1st Corner - Rio Negro RR

Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR Lineups 22/03/22

Nautico RR

Rio Negro RR


National team players



Youth national team players


Nautico RR vs Rio Negro RR Stadium 22/03/22

  • Name: Estadio da Vila Olimpica Roberto Marinho

  • City: Boa Vista, Brazil

  • Capacity: 3000

  • Nautico RR

    Rio Negro RR


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