Sandy & junior olha o que o amor me faz letras

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(주)카카오엔터테인먼트  경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 221 대표이사 : 이진수, 김성수 사업자등록번호 : 220-88-02594 통신판매업신고번호 : 2018-성남분당B-0004 사업자정보확인
문의전화 : 1566-7727 (평일 09:00-18:00, 유료) 이메일 : 호스팅서비스사업자 : (주)카카오엔터테인먼트 © Kakao Entertainment Corp.

정보보호 및 개인정보보호 관리체계 인증

정보보호 및 개인정보보호를 위한 일련의 조치와 활동이
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  • [인증범위] 인터넷 서비스 운영 (카카오, 다음, 멜론)
  • [유효기간] 2019.12.26 ~ 2022.12.25


단일 언어 예

It usually grows on poor chalky or sandy soils, in open situations.

Real landscapes also have varying statistical behaviour from place to place, so for example sandy beaches don't exhibit the same fractal properties as mountain ranges.

It grows in many habitats, especially in sandy or rocky soils.

It is usually found over reef ledges and sandy flats, though it can also enter brackish and freshwater environments.

Groundnut is cultivated on sandy soils in most locations and makes an important contribution to household diet and income.



  • arenaceous
  • flaxen
  • sandlike


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Plants were sown in 1.25-litre plant bags filled with a soil mixture of two parts sandy soil, two parts compost and one part vermiculite.

The zone is 170 m thick, and ammonoids and other fossils occur as imprints in mudstones and as shell-rich layers in sandy turbidites.

The topography was gently rolling, with thick peat extending in the lower parts and white sandy soils dominating in the upper parts.

The black clay on the east side contrasts sharply with the brown, sandy soil found on the west side of the embankment.

The coarse-grained lower part is chiefly composed of cross-bedded sandstone and the finer-grained upper part includes rippled silty sandstone and bioturbated sandy siltstone.

Occasionally 1-1.5 m thick, rippled fine-grained sandy units are seen overlying this interbedded assemblage with a sharp contact.

Overall the short-eared tends to be a paler, sandier bird than the long-eared.



이 예문은 Wikipedia에서 온 출처. 당신은 CC BY-SA 라이센스 보호하에서 재사용 가능합니다.

The absence of a direct correlation between trapped adults and tuber infestation in sandy soil may be due to lack of statistical power.

Modeling water retention curves of sandy soils using neural networks.

Cotton was sown in patches on sandy soil.

The tubs were half filled with a mixture of steamsterilized sandy loam (50%), peat (30%) and grit (20%).

Other authors have performed experiments in which stable sandy nonseparated bottom configurations were not observed, which led to questioning the actual existence of rolling-grain ripples.

As the sandy units preserve shallow-water bedforms, we assume that the basins were sediment-, not waterloaded.

Overall, soils were sandy in texture, tended to be moderately acid and organic carbon levels were low, varying from 6 to 15 mg kg71.

The latter was described as "massive sandstones and conglomerates with interbedded sandy shales which are of continental origin".

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