Udemy, inc. microservicios con spring boot, cloud y docker

Microservice V2 Course Updates - FAQ

Really excited to announce amazing updates to the course! Great News! We are adding Docker and Kubernetes to the course!

What are the new sections?

  • Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Boot 2.4+ and Spring Cloud 2020+
  • Section 7 - Docker
  • Section 8 - Kubernetes

Can you give me direct links to the sections of the course?

  • Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2 - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24348588/
  • Section 7 - Docker with Microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - V2 - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24346824#content
  • Section 8: Kubernetes with Microservices using Docker, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud - V2 - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24346614#content

Is there a new github repo?

Only for the new sections - //github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v2

The original repo (//github.com/in28minutes/spring-microservices-v2) will continue to have updates for REST API and V1 version of Microservices courses

Can you explain the updates in detail?

  • Rerecorded Microservice sections with the following versions of Spring Boot (2.4) & Spring Cloud (2020.0)
    • Spring Cloud LoadBalancer instead of Ribbon
    • Spring Cloud Gateway instead of Zuul
    • Resilience4j instead of Hystrix
  • New Section: Docker: Containerize Microservices
  • New Section: Kubernetes: Orchestrate all your Microservices with Kubernetes

What should you do?

  • If you have already completed the Microservices sections of the course:
    • Start with Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2 (We have a quick start option to get you started quickly)
    • Do NOT forget the do the Docker and Kubernetes sections (Section 7 and Section 8)
  • If you are pursuing "Section 5 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V1" right now:
    • If you are in the first 20 steps, restart with Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2
    • If you are at the end of the section, complete it and then Start with Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2 (We have a quick start option to get you started quickly)
    • If you are in the middle, watch the first 2 videos of Section 6 and decide what you want to do :)
  • If you have not started the Microservices sections of the course:
    • No change. Just continue with the course.

I've completed V1 of the course. Should I completely start with V2 from zero?

Nope. Not necessary.

  • Option 1 : To learn the Spring Cloud Microservice updates - You can start with Step 20 of section "Section 6 - Microservices with Spring Cloud - V2". Details here - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24348588/
  • Option 2 : You can start with Docker directly here - V2 - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24346824#content
  • Option 3 : You can start with Kubernetes directly here - V2 - //www.udemy.com/course/microservices-with-spring-boot-and-spring-cloud/learn/lecture/24346614#content

  • #1

estoy con java spring boot y tengo que reforzar la seguridad que todavia no me queda bien en claro algunas cosas

  • #2

Yo estoy tomando este curso que tiene un apartado de spring security donde implementan Jwt y oAuth2 aun no llego a la esta parte pero el profesor es muy bueno te lo recomiendo

  • #3

¿Seguridad en que aspectos?

  • #4

¿Seguridad en que aspectos?

spring security , para api rest por que estoy flojo en ese tema y quiero saber en profundidad el tema... acá hay un curso que me pareció interesante pero se necesita rango para descargar se llama seguridad en tu api rest con spring boot

  • #5

Yo estoy tomando este curso que tiene un apartado de spring security donde implementan Jwt y oAuth2 aun no llego a la esta parte pero el profesor es muy bueno te lo recomiendo

gracias parece un curso muy interesante lastima que cueste casi 100 dolares jajaj


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