Which of the following best describes how a compiled program is run by a computer?

Consider the following two implementations of the same algorithm, each written in a different language.

Language A:
Calculate the average daily rainfall for the week (averageRainfall) by adding together the rainfall totals for each of the 7 days of the week (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, and sat) and dividing the sum by 7.

Language B:
Take the total amount of rain from each day of the week (sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday) and then average them together to get the average daily rainfall for the week (averageRainfall).

Which of the following statements about these two implementations is true?

Which of the following best describes a programming sequence?

Which of the following BEST describes a programming sequence? Correct Answer: A graphical representation of the program processes.

Which statement best describes a computer program quizlet?

The statement that best describes a computer program. A program is a sequence of instructions and decisions that the computer carries out.

Which of the following is a reason for the importance of variables in programming quizlet?

Which of the following is a reason for the importance of variables in programming? iables allow you to store values calculated by the program and access them at a later point in the program. Variables allow you to change a value used in multiple places in a program easily.

Which of the following best defines the meaning of the term abstraction in the context of computer programming?

Which of the following best describes abstraction? A representation that contains only relevant details.


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