Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society?

significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture

_______________ refers to a significant alteration in behavior patterns and culture over time.

___________________ is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society?

Listen to the national news on a major television network. Give three examples from the news of a “social movement”

_______________________ refers to the conscious feeling of a negative discrepancy between legitimate expectations and present actualities.

Middle management workers in a corporation who are discontented because they cannot afford the luxury cars or expensive homes that their bosses have. This is an example of relative _________________________________________________________

__________________________ refers to the ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to the media, and personnel?

Sociologist ___________________________________ argued that in order to sustain social protest or resistance, there must be an “organizational base and continuity of leadership” (resource mobilization theory)?

According to Karl Marx, false consciousness is:

attitueds that did not reflect workers objective position in order to organize a revolutionary movement

What sociological perspective would likely stress that social movements should require leaders to sharpen the awareness of the oppressed, who may suffer from false consciousness?

What sociological perspective would most likely study the new social roles assumed by activists within a social movement?

What sociological perspective would likely be interested in the labels attached to activists associated with a social movement such as a feminist student referred to as a “bra burner”?

Organized collective activities that address values and social identities as well as improvements in the quality of life are called:

New social movements emphasize

social movements arise when people are motivated by value issues and social identity questions

An environmental social movement that focuses on the interconnection of all the world’s people and resources is an example of a _______________ social movement.

What sociological perspective would likely suggest that members of new social movements tend to mobilize as they reject statements made by established authority figures, including scientists and technical authorities?

What theory of social change holds that society is moving in a definite direction?

Evolutionary theory states that social change is moving in a _________________ direction.

____________________________'s pioneering work in biological evolution contributed to nineteenth-century theories of social change. According to his approach, there has been a continuing progression of successive life forms.

Early social evolutionary theorists believed that their own behavior and culture were more ___________________________________ than those of earlier civilizations

Auguste Comte saw societies as moving forward in their thinking from ______________ to ______________________________________

mythology to the scientific method

Émile Durkheim contended that societies progressed from _____________ to __________

simple to more complex forms of social organization

________________ maintained that society progressed from simple to more complex forms of social organization.

The writings of Auguste Comte and Émile Durkheim are examples of _________________ evolutionary theory.

What two theorists mentioned in the textbook have taken a unilinear evolutionary position on social change?

Auguste Comte and Emile Durkehim

A theorist suggests that all of the world’s societies have or will progress from preindustrial to industrial to postindustrial to postmodern forms of social organization. This view represents ____________________________ evolutionary theory.

Unilinear evolutionary theory states that social change:

What approach contends that all societies pass through the same successful stages of evolution and inevitably reach the same end?

The expectation that African and Latin American countries will pass through all the developmental stages that were experienced by the United States and European industrial societies would be an example of:

A social scientist focuses on several small industrial societies and suggests that there are already signs that these societies will imitate the United States and other large formerly industrial societies and become postindustrial societies that have service-oriented economies. Which theory of social change is this social scientist utilizing?

What evolutionary approach contends that change can occur in several ways and does not inevitably lead in the same direction?

Multilinear evolutionary theory

At one point in time, most African territories were colonies of European powers. After colonization, these new African nations all evolved, but in many different directions. This illustrates which theory of social change?

Multilinear evolutionary theory

Talcott Parsons viewed society as naturally being in a state of ________________________

Talcott Parsons's functionalist view of society as tending toward a state of stability or balance is known as ________________________________ model.

The equilibrium model of social change was developed by

Sociologist Talcott Parsons developed the _____________________________ model of social change

What sociological perspective argues that when changes occur in one part of a society, there must be adjustments in other parts?

The equilibrium model of social change views society as:

The family system has changed in the United States over the last few decades. In particular, child rearing, which was once the sole province of the mother, is now being shared with fathers, other relatives, day care centers, school systems, babysitters, and an endless list of surrogates who assume responsibility for this important task. This social change, which helps to maintain society’s stability, is known as

The role of women in the family in the United States has changed dramatically in the last 50 years. Rather than being traditional homemakers, women have furthered their education and developed careers. This change in the family has necessitated adaptive changes in school systems, corporations, churches, and other facets of society to provide childcare services. This situation reflects which view of social change?

equilibruim model of social change

In Parsons's equilibrium model of social change, what concept does he use to indicate the increasing complexity of social organization?

In Parsons’s equilibrium model of social change, differentiation refers to:

the increasing complexity of social organizations

In Parsons's equilibrium model, he uses ______________________ as a concept to note that one feature of social change is that social institutions become more specialized in their purposes.

When a person needs to have his or her car repaired, he or she can go to a muffler store, a transmission shop, a tire retailer, or a gas station for a tune-up. Talcott Parsons refers to this specialization as ___________________________________________________________

Colleges and corporations are currently grappling with the problem of eliminating the digital divide and making computers and other technological advances available to all college students. According to equilibrium theory, this would be an example of:

In Talcott Parsons' equilibrium model of social change, he contends that societies experience value _________________________, the development of new values that tolerate and legitimate a greater range of activities.

What sociological perspective would probably criticize Parsons's approach to social change for disregarding the use of coercion by the powerful to maintain the illusion of a stable, well-integrated society?

The Marxist view of social change is appealing because it permits people to seize control of

the historical protest and gain their freedom from injustice

What sociologist has noted that the functionalist perspective's emphasis on stability and the conflict perspective's focus on change reflect the contradictory nature of society?

What sociological perspective would probably suggest that individuals, institutions, and societies will face unprecedented adaptive challenges in adjusting to the technological advances soon to come?

What sociological perspective would probably criticize the functionalist approach to social change for disregarding the crucial significance of change that is need to correct social injustices and inequalities?

What have bee significant social events in recent decades, according to Maureen Hallinan?

1- collapse of communism; 2- terrosit attacks; 3- dismantiling of the welfare system in the US 4- revolution and famine in Africa and E. Europe 5- Spread of AIDS 6- computer revolution

What sociologist correctly predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union based on that country's twentieth-century expansionism and overextension of resources?

Maureen Hallinan, former president of the American Sociological Association, has been critical of the _________________________________________ theories of social change.

Chaos theory was developed by

_____________________ is responsible for coining the term “vested interests”.

Those people or groups who will suffer in the event of social change and who have a stake in maintaining the status quo are called

If the United States Congress passed strict anticigarette laws that banned their sale anywhere in the country, it would create serious problems for cigarette manufacturers, retailers, tobacco growers, tobacco farm workers, truckers, and many other employees in the cigarette industry. Each of these groups would probably oppose this legislation because they are examples of

What factors do conflict theorists suggest that capitalist firms would likely utilize in order to meet the costs of complying with stricter safety standards?

they may resist social change by cutting corners or by pressuring the gov't to ease regulations

What sociologist pointed out that nonmaterial culture typically must respond to changes in material culture?

______________________________ refers to the period of maladjustment during which the nonmaterial culture is still adapting to new material conditions.

Large families are no longer economically necessary, nor are they commonly endorsed by social norms; but certain religious faiths, among them Roman Catholicism, continue to extol large families and to disapprove of using contraception to limit family size. This example illustrates William Ogburn’s concept of ___________________________________

Various religious groups and their followers are very upset about advances in reproductive technology (e.g., birth control pills, abortion pills, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering). This conflict illustrates William Ogburn’s concept of __________________

The ______________________ revolution led to the emergence of Luddites.

Rebellious craft workers in nineteenth-century England who destroyed new factory machinery as part of their resistance to the new industrial revolution were known as:

The term sabotage is derived from French workers throwing _______________ into factory machinery to destroy it.

Neo-Luddites are opposed to the ___________________ changes that occurred during the industrial revolution, the postindustrial period, and the postmodern period

"Neo-Luddites" have questioned the incessant expansion of _________________________

Cultural information about how to use the material resources of the environment to satisfy human needs and desires is referred to as ______________________________________

The laptop computer, wireless telephones, pagers, and laser eye surgery are all examples of:

The Internet evolved from a computer system built by______________________ in 1962.

The Internet evolved from a computer system developed by the U.S. Defense Department to enable scholars and workers to continue with work in the event of

_______ nations does Immanuel Wallerstein suggest has a virtual monopoly on information technology in his world system analysis.

Offshoring provides jobs for workers who are typically ____________ educated.

Offshoring is a type of _____________________________________________

A recent trend in globalization is that U.S. companies are shifting _____________________ to developing countries.

What sociological perspective would most likely suggest that computer and video technology has facilitated supervision, control, and even domination by employers or government?

What sociological perspective would most likely be interested in the socializing effects of Internet communications, which might ultimately reduce face-to-face communications between people?

A new technique of using technology to increase food production and alter plant genes is called

The debate on genetic engineering intensified after 1997, when scientists in Scotland:

announced that they had cloned a sheep

The primary purpose of the Human Genome Project is to:

map and sequence all 20,000-25,000 genes in existence

The prospect of anthrax contamination through biological weaponry is an example of:

Which term is used by sociologists refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society?

Social movements. Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized collective activities aimed at bringing about fundamental changes in existing society? Social movements.

Which term refers to organize collective activities to bring about or resist fundamental change in an existing group or society?

Sociologists use the term social movement to refer to organized collective activities to bring about or resist fundamental change in an existing group or society.

Which term is used to refer to the ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money political influence access to the media and personnel?

The term resource mobilization refers to the ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to the media, and personnel.

Which term is used by sociologists to refer to organized groups that act consciously to promote or resist change through collective action?

A social movement is an organized group that acts consciously to promote or resist change through collective action.


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