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Livros de Frank Viola

R$9,90 R$98,05

This book is the constructive sequel to "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola and George Barna. "Reimagining Church" was not written for people who are happy with institutional forms of church. It's written exclusively for those interested to see how the New Testament church met and functioned and how organic body life can be captured today. The book doesn't advocate "house church" but "the organic expression of the church." Following this volume are "From Eternity to Here" and "Finding Organic Church."


Dissent is a gift to the Church. It is the imagination of the prophets that continually call us back to our identity as the peculiar people of God. May Viola's words challenge us to become the change that we want to see in the Church ... and not to settle for anything less than God's dream for Her.

 Shane Claiborne, author and activist

In Reimagining Church, Frank Viola is at the top of his game, showing a serene, soaring mastery of the theology of church as organism rather than organization.

 Leonard Sweet, author and professor

 True to form, this book contains a thoroughly consistent critique of prevailing forms of church. However, in Reimagining Church, Frank Viola also presents a positive vision of what the church can become if we truly reembraced more organic, and less institutional, forms of church. This is a no holds barred prophetic vision for the church in the twenty-first Century.

Alan Hirsch, author and speaker

Reimagining Church is a valuable addition to the resources being produced on the subject of organic churches. Written from the perspective of a long-time practitioner, Frank conveys these concepts with his usual clarity and insight and covers many of the practical aspects of starting a church. I recommend this book to anyone interested in organic church.

 Felicity Dale, author and speaker

R$85,75 R$91,98

A Masterpiece in Narrative Ecclesiology
Watch the New Testament come alive. Understand God's Word like never before.
The New Testament is often hard to understand. A major reason is because it is not arranged in chronological order. Paul's letters, for example, are arranged by size rather than chronologically. This makes the New Testament a bit like a Chinese puzzle! For this reason, one famous Bible scholar said that reading the New Testament letters is like hearing one end of a phone conversation. The book you hold in your hands reconstructs the other end so that you can understand virtually every word.
"The Untold Story of the New Testament Church" is a unique Bible handbook that weaves Acts and the Epistles together chronologically . . . creating one fluid story. This epic volume gives readers a first-hand account of the New Testament drama that is riveting and enlightening. It includes dates, maps, and background information about the people, the cities, and the events of the first-century church using a "you-are-there" approach.
Get up-close and personal with apostles Paul, Peter, James and John and learn of their personal struggles. Understand the circumstances behind each inspired letter they penned. Watch the chaotic swirl of first-century people and events fall into place before your very eyes. Discover what Paul's "thorn in the flesh" really was. Learn what happened to all the apostles after the book of Acts was finished. Be ushered into the living, breathing atmosphere of the first century and uncover the hidden riches found in God's Word.

R$96,24 R$97,39

Why does the allegiance that radical terrorists give to their false cause exceed the allegiance that most Christians today give to Jesus Christ?

In Insurgence, bestselling author Frank Viola presents a radical proposal for Christians. Namely, that we have lost the explosive, earthshaking gospel of the kingdom that Jesus, Paul, and the other apostles preached. Viola argues that we've lost this dynamic, titanic, living gospel and exchanged it for a gospel of religious duty or permissiveness and "easy believism."

In today's politically charged era, Christians on the progressive left as well as the conservative right both equate their particular viewpoints with the kingdom of God. Viola challenges and dismantles these perspectives, offering a fresh and revolutionary look at the gospel of the kingdom.

Viola writes with gripping power, challenging Christians to embrace an unparalleled allegiance to Jesus Christ and his kingdom. This high-octane message is being reclaimed today, launching a spiritual insurgence.


Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a beautifully crafted narrative that chronicles the remarkable encounters of five women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the stresses of their presents, and the worries of their tomorrows.

Join Frank Viola and Mary DeMuth on a fascinating journey back in time as they retell the dramatic accounts of five women who met Jesus. Each narrative is told from each woman's unique perspective, yet tightly grounded in the Gospel accounts and faithful to first-century history. Elegantly written and profoundly stirring, this book blends creative narrative with uncommon insight, spiritual depth, and practical application.

If you are someone who seeks a renewal of hope, faith, and love, The Day I Met Jesus will make your Bible come to life and usher you into a fresh encounter with your Lord.


Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we “dress up” for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, and choirs? This ground-breaking book, now in affordable softcover, makes an unsettling proposal: most of what Christians do in present-day churches is rooted, not in the New Testament, but in pagan culture and rituals developed long after the death of the apostles. Coauthors Frank Viola and George Barna support their thesis with compelling historical evidence and extensive footnotes that document the origins of modern Christian church practices. In the process, the authors uncover the problems that emerge when the church functions more like a business organization than the living organism it was created to be. As you reconsider Christ's revolutionary plan for his church—to be the head of a fully functioning body in which all believers play an active role—you'll be challenged to decide whether you can ever do church the same way again.

R$92,01 R$95,64

A fascinating look at what will increase spiritual power in your life and ministry. In 48 Laws of Spiritual Power, best-selling author Frank Viola lays out the unchanging principles of tapping into God’s power and releasing it to serve others. These laws are based on over thirty years of ministry experience—trench-tested in Frank’s life and the lives of others who have spent decades in ministry. Though these laws may seem counterintuitive and uncommon, they will equip you to look for God’s power in your ministry. In short, digestible chapters packed with secrets of effective and impactful ministry, 48 Laws of Spiritual Power will equip you with what you need for your ministry to thrive. With straight-to-the-point insights, the book provides a unique perspective on God’s work and practical tools for overcoming the inevitable hardships that are part of any ministry.

48 Laws of Spiritual Power will:

  • Help you access God’s power in your personal life and release it in the lives of others
  • Introduce you to uncommon wisdom that is rarely talked about in seminary or Bible college
  • Give you a fresh look at how to transform your ministry with the power God is ready to grant you

The key to effective ministry is God’s power.


Bestselling author Frank Viola writes a time-tested field guide to weathering the storms of life.

Whether it's the loss of a job, a child who has gotten into serious trouble, a relationship that's in peril, or a loved one with a debilitating illness, at some point, something in our lives will strip us of all control. Life comes apart at the seams, and hope begins to evaporate.

Hang On, Let Go was written from the pit of numerous soul-piercing adversities in Frank's own life. In this volume, he draws from the insights he gleaned from the Lord, friends, and writers during his darkest days. The wisdom contained in this volume became the bread and butter Frank relied on, helping him to be developed by his trials rather than destroyed by them.

Each short chapter explores a different aspect of the storm: When You Need to Regrip, Walking in the Darkness, Abandoning Fix-It Mode, The Story in Our Head, Just Breathe, and much more. This book is about how to react to intense trials in your life with two seemingly contradictory impulses: hang on, let go.

How is that possible? . . . Read on. Frank explores the how and the why in this highly practical, incisive, no-nonsense guidebook on how to thrive during the inevitable pitfalls of life.

R$30,32 R$37,90

Wie entstehen authentische, lebensverändernde Gemeinden?
Viele christliche Gemeinschaften kämpfen heute ums Überleben. Grund dafür ist weniger eine schlechte Planung, sondern dass nicht das richtige Fundament gelegt wurde, weil der Plan und die Absichten Gottes für seine Gemeinde nicht verstanden worden sind.
In diesem umfassenden Leitfaden zur Gründung und dem Aufbau organischer Gemeinden stellt Frank Viola zunächst das ursprüngliche Design für die Gemeinde Jesu vor. Danach zieht er sowohl biblische Aussagen als auch eigene Erfahrungen heran, um daraus praktische Grundsätze abzuleiten, wie wir heute zu lebensverändernden Gemeinden kommen – echten Gemeinschaften, die nicht nur wachsen, sondern blühen und sich auf natürliche Weise vermehren.
Was ist eine organische Gemeinde?
Eine Gemeinschaft von Menschen, die durch ein gemeinsames Leben in Christus geprägt ist, und nicht durch religiöse Programme und Veranstaltungen; eine Gemeinschaft, die von Gott ins Leben gerufen wurde – nicht mittels menschlicher Methoden; eine lebendige Familie von Jesus, in der echte, authentische Beziehungen gepflegt werden.

R$39,92 R$49,90

An jede Generation ergeht neu die Frage, die Jesus an seine Jünger stellte: "Für wen haltet ihr mich?" Jede Erweckung und jede Reformation in der Geschichte der Kirche lässt sich auf die Wiederentdeckung eines Aspektes Christi als Ergebnis der Beantwortung dieser entscheidenden Frage zurückführen.
Die Gefahr war und ist stets, dass man aus dem Evangelium alles Mögliche macht, was nichts oder nicht wirklich mit Jesus Christus zu tun hat. Man weiß oft eine Menge über ihn, macht ihn zum Vorbild oder weisen Lehrer, kennt ihn selbst aber nicht besonders gut.
Jesus-Manifest stellt uns Jesus dagegen ganz neu vor Augen als den, der er laut den Aussagen der Bibel wirklich ist. Es ist ein Aufruf, ihm wieder in allem die Vorrangstellung und Souveränität zu geben, die ihm gebührt, und uns ganz für ihn zu öffnen, damit er der "Christus in uns" sein kann, "die Hoffnung der Herrlichkeit" (Kol. 1,27).

R$31,92 R$39,90

Jesu Plan für seine Gemeinde wiederentdecken
In seinem (zusammen mit George Barna verfassten) Bestseller Heidnisches Christentum? hat Frank Viola die oft im Heidnischen wurzelnden Hintergründe vieler unserer vermeintlich biblischen Traditionen aufgezeigt.
In Ur-Gemeinde geht er nun auf Gottes ursprünglichen Plan für die Gemeinde ein: Gemeinde soll in allem das Wesen des dreieinigen Gottes verkörpern. Grundlage für unsere Vorstellung von Gemeinde muss also das sein, was Gott selbst im Herzen hat, was ihn und seine Ziele widerspiegelt, wie wir es in den Schriften des Neuen Testaments finden.
Daraus entsteht ein klares und herausforderndes Bild von Gemeinde. Wollen wir unsere Vorstellung von Gemeinde an die biblische anpassen, wird ein Umdenken in vielen Bereichen unumgänglich sein.
Die Themen, für die der Autor das konkretisiert, sind unter anderem: Gemeinde als Organismus und als Familie, die Treffen der Gemeinde, das praktische Leben der Gemeinde, die Einheit der Gemeinde, Gemeindeleitung und Entscheidungsfindung, geistliche Autorität, Unterordnung und apostolische Tradition.


D’innombrables chrétiens ont faim d’entendre la voix de Dieu. Le problème est que beaucoup ne savent pas comment faire. D’une manière chaleureuse et accueillante, ‘Jésus parle’ vous enseigne comment entendre la voix de Jésus en explorant les différentes façons dont le Christ parle aujourd’hui et comment ses brebis peuvent grandir dans leur capacité à reconnaître et à répondre à sa voix.
En examinant comment les disciples interagissaient avec Jésus ressuscité – depuis les Évangiles jusqu’à l’Apocalypse – Léonard Sweet et Frank Viola présentent les innombrables façons dont le Seigneur parle à son peuple maintenant. Ils démystifient le processus, en fournissant des conseils pratiques sur la façon dont vous pouvez reconnaître la voix de Jésus dans votre propre vie.

En 2009, Sweet and Viola ont entrepris un voyage de découverte. Ils avaient un objectif: aider à restaurer la suprématie et la souveraineté de Jésus-Christ par-dessus tout. Peu de temps après, ils ont publié leur bestseller national, Jesus Manifesto. Deux ans plus tard, ils ont publié : Jésus, une théographie, établissant magnifiquement que toutes les Écritures dévoilent une personne. Jésus parle est le troisième volume attendu de leur trilogie de Jésus. Lisez-le et soyez équipé pour entendre la voix de Dieu.


The church is tired of seeing Christians act ungraciously toward one another when they disagree. Social media has added to the carnage. Christians routinely block each other on Facebook because of doctrinal disagreements. The world watches the blood-letting, and the Christian witness is tarnished.

But what if every Christian discovered that their favorite teacher in church history had blind spots and held to some false--and even shocking--views?

Bestselling author Frank Viola argues that this simple awareness will soften Christians when they interact with each other in the face of theological disagreements. In ReGrace, he uncovers some of the shocking beliefs held by faith giants like C.S. Lewis, Luther, Calvin, Moody, Spurgeon, Wesley, Graham, and Augustine--not to downgrade or dismiss them, but to show that even "the greats" in church history didn't get everything right. Knowing that the heroes of our faith sometimes got it wrong will empower us to treat our fellow Christians with grace rather than disdain whenever we disagree over theology.

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