Which client may be experiencing the effects of neuropathic pain?

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Terms in this set (49)

Which of the following clients may be experiencing the effects of neuropathic pain?

A man with pain secondary to his poorly controlled diabetes

A hospital client has been reluctant to accept morphine sulfate despite visible signs of pain. Upon questioning, the client reveals that he is afraid of becoming addicted to the drug. How can a member of the care team best respond to the client's concern?

"There's only a minute chance that you will become addicted to these painkillers."

When conducting a health assessment that focuses on the pain experienced by an older client diagnosed with early dementia, the nurse will pay particular attention to which of the following?

Behavioral signs of pain demonstrated by the client

Which of the following patients is exhibiting headache symptoms that indicate a need for further evaluation?

Pregnant mother with drowsiness and unrelenting headache

Primary headaches

do not require additional evaluation

Examples of primary headaches

migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, and chronic daily headache

secondary headaches

should receive further evaluation

Possible causes of secondary headaches

cerebral hemorrhage or aneurysm, meningitis, cancer, and nerve lesions

The nurse knows that chronic pain lacks which of the characteristic pain-related reactions?

increased heart rate

What will the nurse teach a patient with trigeminal neuralgia about the condition?

Carbamazepine is a first-line treatment.

Trigeminal neuralgia

is a condition in which patients experience brief, severe, repetitive lightning-like or throbbing pain along the distribution of one or more of the branches of the fifth cranial nerve

What can the nurse assume about a child's behavior when faced with the need to repeat a painful procedure?

Children act to avoid pain based on their memory of past painful events.

A client who is being treated for chronic low back pain is using a TENS unit for relief of pain. The nurse is aware that the use of this device is considered what type of pain relief?

Stimulus-induced analgesia

Stimulus-induced analgesia is...

one of the oldest known methods of pain relief

Electrical stimulation methods of pain relief include

TENS, electrical acupuncture, and neurostimulation

Which of the following types of damage causes visceral pain?

• Ischemia
• Distention
• Strong contractions

Which of the following statements is true of migraine headaches?

Migraines may have a hormonal etiology in some patients.

A client fell from a ladder and broke his ankle and is being seen in the emergency department for severe ankle pain with swelling and limited range of motion. What type of pain does the nurse recognize the client experiencing?

Acute pain

Select the most appropriate pain assessment tool for a health care provider to use when caring for children between the ages of 3 to 7 years old.

Faces pain scale

The nurse is caring for a client who has returned from surgery after having a colon resection. What is the best method for the nurse to use when administering an opioid for pain in order to optimize pain control?

Administer the opioid preemptively and before pain becomes extreme.

A patient reports feeling a tingling sensation in the last two fingers of one hand after hitting the inner surface of the elbow on a desk. Which of the following is the cause of this symptom?

Paresthesia from temporary nerve compression


is an increased response to mild stimuli


is a syndrome in which pain is explosive after the raised sensory threshold is reached


is reduced or lost sensation of touch or temperature and may be an inherited trait

Complex regional pain syndrome is characterized by:

Disproportionate pain with mobility

Complex regional pain syndrome

is a rare disorder of the extremities characterized by autonomic and vasomotor instability

Complex regional pain syndrome examples

identifiable inciting or irritating injury, which may be trivial, such as a minor joint sprain, or severe, such as trauma involving a major nerve or nerves

A patient has lower back muscle spasms following an injury. Which of the following is the cause of the spasm?

Protective guarding

A severe type of headache that occurs more frequently in men than women and is described as having unrelenting, unilateral pain located most frequently in the orbit is called what?

clustered headache

Which of the following principles should underlie the pain control strategy in the care of a child with a diagnosis of cancer?

Dosing and timing should aim for a steady serum level of the prescribed drug.

A client with a history of migraine headaches tells the physician that he or she usually experiences an aura before the onset of the headache. The client is most likely experiencing:

Visual disturbances

An older adult tells the nurse, "My friend just developed shingles and has a lot of pain. Is there a way for me to protect myself from it?" Which of the following is an appropriate response from the nurse?

"Get a Zostavax vaccination."

A client is experiencing acute pain. The nurse would anticipate the client to manifest:


Which of the following pain disorders is a manifestation of a disruption of cranial nerve function?

Trigeminal neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is...

manifested by facial tics or spasms and characterized by paroxysmal attacks of stabbing pain that usually are limited to the unilateral sensory distribution of one or more branches of the trigeminal cranial nerve (CN V)

Which of the following patients is an example of referred pain?

• One with a myocardial infarction who states, "an elephant is sitting on my chest."
• One with gallstones who states, someone is stabbing between my shoulder blades."
• One with renal calculi who describes a cramping colicky pain in the scrotum.

Referred pain

is pain originating in one area of the body that is perceived at a different site

When testing nociceptive stimuli to elicit a withdrawal reflex in the body, what stimuli are commonly used?

Pressure from a sharp object

A client is being taught how to use a TENS unit .The nurse determines that teaching was effective when the client states:

"I should take my medication and apply the TENS unit to the painful area as soon as I feel the pain."

TENS units

are noninvasive, should be applied as soon as the client starts to perceive pain, and used in conjunction with pain-relieving medication

In contrast to acute pain, persistent chronic pain indicates which of the following?

Imposes physiologic stresses

Persistent chronic pain

usually serves no useful function and imposes physiologic, psychological, familial, and economic stresses and may exhaust a person's resources

The nurse learns that different types of headaches respond to different therapies. Which headache is most responsive to non-medication centered therapy?


Tension-type headaches

often are more responsive to nonpharmacologic techniques, such as biofeedback, massage, acupuncture, relaxation, imagery, and physical therapy, than other types of headache

The nurse on the pediatric unit is implementing distraction strategies for a child who is experiencing pain. The best strategies for the nurse to implement would be:

• Bubbles
• Music
• Television
• Games

A client is experiencing a cluster headache. The client would most likely manifest:

Severe pain behind the eye

A client is experiencing chest pain that radiates to the left arm and neck. The nurse would interpret this pain as:


Referred pain

is pain that is perceived at a site different from its point of origin but innervated by the same spinal segment

Visceral pain

originates in the visceral organs and is one of the most common pains produced by disease, cutaneous pain arises from superficial structures, and somatic pain originates in deep body structures

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What is the most common cause of neuropathic pain?

One of the most common causes is diabetes. People with peripheral neuropathy generally describe the pain as stabbing, burning or tingling. In many cases, symptoms improve, especially if caused by a treatable condition. Medications can reduce the pain of peripheral neuropathy.

Which disorders may be found in a patient with neuropathic pain?

These disorders include postherpetic neuralgia, post-traumatic neuropathy, postsurgical neuropathy, cervical and lumbar polyradiculopathies, pain associated with HIV infection, leprosy and diabetes mellitus, complex regional pain syndrome type 2 and trigeminal neuralgia30.

What is the symptoms of neuropathic pain?

These symptoms include: Spontaneous pain (pain that comes without stimulation): Shooting, burning, stabbing, or electric shock-like pain; tingling, numbness, or a “pins and needles” feeling. Evoked pain: Pain brought on by normally non-painful stimuli such as cold, gentle brushing against the skin, pressure, etc.

How does neuropathic pain occur?

Neuropathic pain is a pain condition that's usually chronic. It's usually caused by chronic, progressive nerve disease, and it can also occur as the result of injury or infection. If you have chronic neuropathic pain, it can flare up at any time without an obvious pain-inducing event or factor.


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