All of us are dead 2 temporada data

A Netflix confirmou em suas redes sociais a 2ª temporada de All of Us Are Dead que foi um dos maiores sucessos entre os doramas da Netflix.

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A Netlfix divulgou nas redes sociais e na abertura da Semana Geeked, a 2ª temporada de All of Us Are Dead. É isso é algo raro entre os k-dramas, já que raramente são renovados. A série chegou à Netflix no final de janeiro deste ano e é mais um dos investimentos da empresa em produções coreanas.

Afinal, quando estreia a 2ª temporada de All of Us Are Dead?

Após o sucesso que foi Round 6, que também terá uma continuação, a série, se tornou a segunda produção do país ao ocupar o Top 10 do streaming. De acordo com o tabloide NME, ela foi assistida por 124 mil horas em uma semana nos EUA. Já Round 6, segundo o Collider, alcançou a marca em quatro dias após sua estreia.

Confira abaixo a divulgação da Netflix nas redes sociais:

Apesar de divulgar que haverá a 2ª temporada de All of Us Are Dead, a companhia ainda não liberou a data de estreia dos novos episódios. Mas não se preocupe, aqui vamos estar sempre te atualizando sobre as novidades da série!

Now at Our School inspirou All of US Are Dead

Criado por Lee Jae-kyoo, Chun Sung-il e Kim Nam-su, o dorama se baseia no webtoon original Now at Our School, da editora Naver Corporation. A série acompanha a luta de alguns alunos para sobreviver a uma invasão zumbi.

Além de All of Us Are Dead, a Netflix, tem muitos planos para este ano, entre eles está o lançamento de pelo menos mais 25 títulos coreanos para a alegria dos apaixonados por produções asiáticas. De acordo com o Games Radar, a grande maioria dos conteúdos serão programas de TV, All of Us Are Dead está entre as novidades neste cronograma.

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Sinopse de All of Us Are Dead

Em suma, All Of Us Are Dead narra a história de um grupo de alunos do ensino médio que precisam encarar uma situação de perigo extremo. A rotina da escola Hyosan seguia normal quando um vírus zumbi começa a se espalhar rapidamente. Os sobreviventes agora se encontram fadados a ficarem presos no perímetro da escola.

Conforme as horas passam, fica mais difícil o acesso a comunicação com o mundo exterior, e o estoque de comida e armas começam a diminuir, o que consequentemente eleva o risco de cada um dos alunos remanescentes permanecerem seguros.

Presos, eles buscam alguma saída enquanto precisam sobreviver à versões zumbis de seus professores e amigos que perderam ao longo do caminho.

Enquanto isso, do lado de fora, as autoridades buscam maneiras de conter o avanço do vírus, ao mesmo tempo em que cientistas procuram entender a doença, como se comportam os humanos transformados em zumbis, para assim produzirem uma cura ou pelo menos desacelerar o contágio.

Trailer da 1ª temporada

Por fim, apesar de já ter sido confirmada oficialmente pela Netflix, ainda não sabemos exatamente quando será lançada a nova temporada.

All of Us Are Dead spoilers follow.

Netflix is on a roll right now with its K-drama content. Over the past year alone, the streaming service has opened up a whole new world of Korean content with creepy dramas, life-or-death situations in Squid Gameand apocalyptic demon-creaturesin Hellbound.

Now it's time for a zombie series to grab your attention and feast on your brain with South Korean horror series All of Us Are Dead, which puts a brutal high-school twist on the genre.

Like all of the aforementioned shows, All of Us Are Dead is as addictive as it is well made, so we're sure you must all be chomping at the bit (pun definitely intended) for new episodes. Good job you came to the right place then, isn't it?

All of Us are Dead director Lee Jae-kyoo said in an interview with The Korea Herald that he'd "intentionally" made room in the show for a potential second season:

"Many directions, settings and scenes were intentionally produced to expand the story into an additional season, including the introduction of the new races of zombies," said Lee, referring to the hybrid zombies we see in the show's second half.

"If the first season can be seen as having presented humanity's survival, the next season can talk about the survival of zombies."

So now that a second season is on the horizon, it's time to grab some school supplies, wrack our brains and tear through all of the latest news on this bloodthirsty masterpiece.

(We can't promise we'll be stopping with the zombie puns. You've been warned.)

park ji hu as nam on jo, all of us are dead

Yang Hae-sung/Netflix

All of Us Are Dead season 2 potential release date: When will it air?

Good news, folks – All of Us Are Dead has officially been renewed for season two!

Netflix Korea announced the news by posting a season-two poster and a video to their Instagram page with the caption: "Can we survive again? The second story of Hyosan High School friends’ fierce zombie survival period begins. #AllofUsAreDead #Netflix."

In another video posted on YouTube, Yoon Chan-young began: "Hello everyone, it's been a while. Thank you to the Netflix fans worldwide for giving so much love to All of Us Are Dead season one."

After passing the camera on to his cast- and class-mates, the announcement continued: "How have you all been? We're doing well, and did you hear the good news? All of Us Are Dead is returning for season two! We hope you're all excited for it.

"What sort of events will take place in All of Us Are Dead season two? Oh, I have to go, my friends are waiting for me."

It's obvious this show won't die easily. K-dramas have previously had a tendency to only run for one season, but then Squid Game became a worldwide phenomenon, getting a season two, and suddenly all bets are off.

If the stats from All of Us Are Dead is anything to go by, then it's not too surprising it got renewed for another round. Shooting straight into the top 10 overall most-watched shows in two dozen countries, it managed to maintain its position for at least three weeks before dropping out. According to FlixPatrol, Japan's audience sunk their teeth into the show the most, with a 33-day streak.

Although the show'svoracious fans finally inspired a season two renewal, it's unlikely we'll see the new episodes until mid-2023, presuming filming hasn't secretly commenced. This takes into account the filming of the show, and then the all important post-production and special effects.

All of Us Are Dead season 2: Who's in the cast?

yoon chanyoung, all of us are dead

Yang Hae-sung/Netflix

This one, we're going to be honest, is more than a little bit tricky, considering (as the title suggests) not THAT many of the OG cast actually made it out to breathe another day.

But there are a couple of survivors, so it's likely to see them back in action. This includes On-jo (Park Ji-hu), Su-hyeok (Park Solomon), Dae-su (Im Jae-hyuk), Ha-ri (Ha Seung-ri), Mi-jin (Lee Eun-saem), and Hyo-ryung (Kim Bo-yoon).

It's also pretty much confirmed that Cheong-san will be back considering Yoon Chan-young's appearance in the announcement video.

Fans were heartbroken by his heroic sacrifice in episode 11, but now that we know he'll be back in season two, we'll have to wait and see what circumstances he'll be appearing under. Alive? Dead? Flashbacks?

When speaking to Soompi about the fate of his character, Yoon explained: "I was actually asked about whether Cheong San died or not in another interview recently. To be honest, I don’t know. I haven’t heard about what happens next, and nothing has been decided yet. Personally, I’d like to live. I’d like to be able to say things that I didn’t get to say."

Out of everyone, one character who we can definitely assume will return is Choi Nam-ra, played by Cho Yi-hyun.

Either way, expect to see a lot of fresh, blood-splattered faces in All of Us Are Dead season two.

All of Us Are Dead season 2 plot: What will happen?

all of us are dead


All of Us Are Dead ended with almost everyone dead. Following the initial outbreak, the city of Hyosan was quickly overrun by the zombie menace, and then in turn, most of the undead were destroyed by the Korean military's bombing.

While most of the survivors had their stories wrapped up, it's entirely possible that the outbreak could still resurface. All it would take is one zombie to ruin everything all over again.

And then there's Nam-Ra, who somehow managed to retain her humanity even after the infection ravaged her body. It turns out that she's just one of many hybrids who are able to use the virus to their advantage, becoming extra strong and resistant to pain. The problem is that the hunger for human flesh still remains, so that's another threat new episodes could really sink their teeth into.

At the end of Joo Dong-geun's original webtoon, Nam-Ra ends up with her friends instead of the hybrids, which is obviously very different to the show's current trajectory.

However, there's also a tease that suggests the virus has now spread to Japan, and that's definitely something season two could explore, whether the show just hints at it or whether the entire story is moved overseas. That latter option does seem unlikely though given that All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean production.

As we mentioned earlier, director Lee Jae-kyoo previously said that "if the first season can be seen as having presented humanity‘s survival, the next season can talk about the survival of zombies".

He also went on to say that he hoped the series would encourage viewers to make personal reflections, so it's likely we'll be seeing more of that come season two.

"The origin of [the] zombie virus was introduced in the series as an attempt to highlight the people who take responsibility and those who do not when an event, such as school violence, occurs. Though it is another zombie action thriller, I thought the series provides the viewers with a chance to think about what kind of people they are," he said.

All of Us Are Dead season 2 trailer: When can I watch it?

all of us are dead

Yang Hae-sung/Netflix

All of Us Are Dead's trailer won't infect our lives until at least a month before season two's arrival. That's just how Netflix does things.

But when footage showcasing this new chapter does arrive, you'll find everything you need to know right here.

Watch this space!

All of Us Are Dead is now available to watch on Netflix.

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