How big is costa rica compared to a us state

United States is about 192 times bigger than Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 19,144% larger than Costa Rica. Meanwhile, the population of Costa Rica is ~5.1 million people (327.5 million more people live in United States).

Tip: Try dragging the outline to reposition.

This to-scale map shows a size comparison of Costa Rica compared to United States. For more details, see an in-depth quality of life comparison of United States vs. Costa Rica using our country comparison tool.

Costa Rica is about 192 times smaller than United States.

United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 0.52% the size of United States. Meanwhile, the population of United States is ~332.6 million people (327.5 million fewer people live in Costa Rica).

Tip: Try dragging the outline to reposition.

This to-scale map shows a size comparison of United States compared to Costa Rica. For more details, see an in-depth quality of life comparison of Costa Rica vs. United States using our country comparison tool.

This country comparison is a concise, tabular overview of numerous data from our respective country pages for Costa Rica and United States. For further information and explanations, we provide many details per country that go far beyond this comparison. For example, there are separate sub-pages for both countries on economy, climate, energy, refugees, inflation, population and much more.
In addition, we offer several international comparisons on individual topics, which are also linked on this page.

General information


Details for Costa Rica and the United States

Quality of life

Values from 0 (bad) to 100 (very good)
See also: Explanations and country ranking on quality of life


Details for Costa Rica and the United States


Details for Costa Rica and the United States

Energy balance

Details for Costa Rica and the United States


Details for Costa Rica and the United States

Healthcare system

Details for Costa Rica and the United States


We also provide a more detailed climate comparison of both countries.
The data for each country can be found here: Costa Rica and United States

Native languages


Data inventory and updates

A country comparison like this can be based on several hundred individual data items from dozens of different sources. All data are based on the most recent data available to us. Most of them refer to the previous year and are updated around March of the following year. If a country has not yet published data for the most recent or penultimate year, we present the most recent official data. Updates are made on an ongoing basis depending on the subject area or source, so there is no single "cutoff date" for this comparison. Sources for almost all data can be found on our respective country pages.

  • What US state is closest in size to Costa Rica?
  • Is Costa Rica bigger than England?
  • How big is Costa Rica compared to California?
  • Is Costa Rica a 3rd world country?
  • Did you know facts about Costa Rica?
  • Is Costa Rica big or small?
  • What language is spoken in Costa Rica?
  • What are some problems in Costa Rica?
  • What are 2 physical features of Costa Rica?
  • What are 5 facts about Costa Rica?

The land area of Costa Rica measures at 51,100 square kilometers, or 19,700 square miles. To put that into context, this makes it a little bit smaller than the U.S. state, West Virginia. It is also similar in size to the European country of Denmark – although Costa Rica is slightly bigger.

Is Costa Rica bigger than England?

Costa Rica is about 4.8 times smaller than United Kingdom. United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 20.98% the size of United Kingdom. We have positioned the outline of United Kingdom near the middle of Costa Rica.

How big is Costa Rica vs Texas?

Costa Rica is about 13 times smaller than Texas. Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 7.54% the size of Texas. Meanwhile, the population of Texas is ~25.1 million people (20.0 million fewer people live in Costa Rica).

How big is Costa Rica compared to California?

California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 12.65% the size of California. Meanwhile, the population of California is ~37.3 million people (32.2 million fewer people live in Costa Rica).

Is Costa Rica a 3rd world country?

Crime. Costa Rica is considered on of the safest countries in Central America. But exotic as it is, Costa Rica is still a Third World country, meaning the poor far outnumber the middle class and rich.

What are the natural features of Costa Rica?

Costa Rica have several types of terrestrial environments, which are, in a general approach, the Tropical Rainforest (low plains: Arenal Volcano surroundings, Bocatapada, Sarapiquí, Tortuguero, Manuel Antonio, Osa Peninsula and Golfito), the Tropical Dry Forest (NW area of the country: Guanacaste and Gulf of Nicoya).

Did you know facts about Costa Rica?

11 fun facts about Costa Rica, one of the happiest countries in…

  1. It’s one of the happiest countries in the world.
  2. There are over 500,000 species of wildlife.
  3. Of the 500,000 species, 900 of them are birds.
  4. Gallo pinto is a breakfast staple.
  5. There are over 200 volcanic formations.

Is Costa Rica big or small?

Costa Rica is relatively small – 19,700 square miles (51,100 sq. km), ranking it 129th in worldwide landmass. Costa Rica’s size is commonly compared to the state of West Virginia (24,231 sq.

What is a typical food in Costa Rica?

The Best of Costa Rican Cuisine: 10 Foods to Try in Costa Rica (With Recipes!)

  1. GALLO PINTO. Literally meaning “painted rooster,” Gallo pinto is a favorite rice-and-beans concoction that is commonly considered the national dish of Costa Rica.
  2. CASADO.

What language is spoken in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica/Official languages

What are some problems in Costa Rica?

Main problems faced by children in Costa Rica:

  • Poverty. One Costa Rican child in four lives below the poverty line.
  • Health.
  • Education.
  • Child labour.
  • Violence against children.
  • Child trafficking.
  • Children of Minorities.

What are 5 interesting facts about Costa Rica?

What are 2 physical features of Costa Rica?

Costa Rica geographical features include over 200 active and extinct volcanoes, steep mountain slopes, endless tropical beaches with sands ranging in colors from sparkling white and pale rose to black.

What are 5 facts about Costa Rica?

It’s categorized as one of the happiest countries in the world.

  • Costa Rican currency is as colorful as its terrain.
  • Nicoya is one of the top five Blue Zones in the world.
  • Native Costa Ricans call themselves ticos and ticas.
  • Bahia Ballena is literally shaped like a whale’s tail.

What are 2 interesting facts about Costa Rica?

What state is comparable to Costa Rica?

Costa Rica, a small Central American country comparable to the states of South Carolina or Kentucky in territory and population size, is also known for being the oldest democracy in Latin America, with a government that invests substantially in social redistributive programs.

How big is Costa Rica compared to California?

Costa Rica is about 8 times smaller than California. California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 12.65% the size of California.

Is Texas bigger than Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is about 13 times smaller than Texas. Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 7.54% the size of Texas. Meanwhile, the population of Texas is ~25.1 million people (20.0 million fewer people live in Costa Rica).

Is Costa Rica bigger than New York?

Costa Rica is about 2.4 times smaller than New York. New York is approximately 122,283 sq km, while Costa Rica is approximately 51,100 sq km, making Costa Rica 41.79% the size of New York. Meanwhile, the population of New York is ~19.4 million people (14.3 million fewer people live in Costa Rica).