Por quê como grandes lideres inspiram ação sinek simonsinek simon

Viktor E. Frankl | Beacon Press, 2006 | Book

Man’s Search for Meaning

This is essential reading for anyone interested in the topic of purpose. Because Frankl’s personal experience was so extreme, the lessons are that much more stark. And, most importantly, his lessons are universally applicable to all our lives.

L. David Marquet | Portfolio Hardcover, 2013 | Book

Turn the Ship Around

So many leadership books are either theoretical (written by people who study it but don’t do it) or by people who look back and try to explain how they did it. Though both valuable, most leadership books are also very hard to implement as prescribed. That’s what makes Marquet’s book is so remarkable. A submarine commander, he used to obey traditional models of leadership … until they failed him. Unable to change any variables (people, technology or equipment), the only thing left for him to change in order to achieve success was how he acted as a leader. Based on real life events, Marquet presents his ideas in a superbly practical way — perfect for implementing.

Jared Diamond | W. W. Norton & Company, 2005 | Book

Guns, Germs and Steel

I’m a fan of books that challenge our assumptions, and Diamond offers us a new and remarkably simple way of looking at our world. Learning to challenge existing assumptions is core to effective leadership for it trains us to keep an open mind.

Gavin Menzies | William Morrow Paperbacks, 2008 | Book

1421: The Year China Discovered America

This is another book that trains us to keep an open mind. It offers a theory of how the Chinese discovered America 70 years before Columbus. The practice of being open to new ways of seeing things makes a leader open to the ideas of others — an essential characteristic of great leadership.

Universal Pictures UK, 2011 | Watch


I cry every time I watch this documentary by Asif Kapadia. It is the most remarkable illustration of what it means to do something for the love of it. It draws a stark contrast between someone who does something for the passion versus someone who does something for the numbers.

Lorber Films, 2013 | Watch


Though not intended to be a documentary about leadership, Vikram Gandhi’s exploration as to why we look for gurus to follow is a perfect metaphor for true leadership. Namely, when those we choose to follow encourage us to find our own strength.

Susan Cain | Broadway Books, 2013 | Book


Leaders needn’t be the loudest. Leadership is not about theater. It’s not about dominance. It is about putting the lives of others before any other priority. In Quiet, Cain affirms to a good many of us who are introverts by nature that we needn’t try to be extroverts if we want to lead. Simply being ourselves is more important — and more effective.

Como grandes líderes inspiram ação Simon Sinek?

“Se você contratar pessoas apenas porque podem fazer um trabalho, elas vão trabalhar pelo seu dinheiro, mas se você contratar pessoas que acreditam no que você acredita, elas vão trabalhar para você com o sangue, suor e lágrimas.” Esse é o segredo daqueles que não são somente líderes, mas que são líderes que inspiram.

Como grandes líderes inspiram ação resumo?

A teoria do Círculo Dourado de Simon Sinek A Resposta de Simon Sinek para isso é que empresas ou líderes que inspiram multidões de pessoas se comunicam de maneira diferente. Eles têm um propósito, um motivo, uma razão de existir, um porquê bem claro e definido.

Como Simon Sinek?

Na teoria do Círculo de Ouro Simon Sinek enfatiza que muitas pessoas e empresas sabem o quê fazem, algumas sabem como fazem, mas poucas tem ideia do porquê fazem. O estudioso então convida que os líderes e empresas passem a começar pelo centro do círculo, ou seja, pelo por quê.