What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

Pilots of large vessels have limited views from the bridge and require long distances to come to a full stop—often 1.2 to 2.4 kilometres (¾ to 1½ miles). When crossing shipping lanes or traveling in shipping lanes, pleasure craft operators need to watch for large ships and keep the following in mind.

  • Watch out for other vessels, and be ready to slow down and yield to large vessels. Use radar and a radio if you have them.
  • Make your pleasure craft more visible by operating in a group with other small boats.
  • Stay off the water in fog or high winds.
  • Stay clear of docked ferries, ferries in transit, vessels in tow, and working fishing vessels.
  • Remember that there may be an unlit space of several hundred metres between the bow and stern lights, such as when a tugboat is pushing a barge.
  • Allow ample room when crossing or traveling behind a ship or tugboat. Dangerously strong underwater currents created by engines can extend for hundreds of metres behind the ship or tugboat.
  • In commercial shipping channels:
    • Avoid commercial shipping traffic lanes by as wide of a margin as possible.
    • Do not obstruct commercial navigation.
    • Cross channels at a right angle to the flow of vessel traffic or as practical.
  • Never anchor in a shipping lane.

Operating in Narrow Channels

Operating within narrow channels

When approaching a narrow channel, stay to the starboard side and, using a prolonged blast, announce your approach to vessels that may be around the bend. When operating within a narrow channel, vessels must keep as near as is safe and practical to the outer limit of a narrow channel on their starboard side.

Sailing vessels and vessels less than 65 feet in length cannot block the passage of a vessel that must restrict its navigation to a narrow channel (that is, recreational boaters traveling in a main channel should give way to larger vessel such as tugboats). In order to comply with Homeland Security Measures, avoid anchoring in narrow channels and beneath bridges.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

Operating near large vessels

When operating near a shipping lane or in areas of high boat traffic, smaller craft are not easily visible to larger vessels. Always keep a lookout for larger vessels and be prepared to yield the right of way.

Specifically, always steer well clear of vessels in tow, docked ferries, or ferries in transit. Be mindful of cable ferries pulling other vessels—the cable might be submerged and difficult to see. Do not get in between a ferry and its tow. Keep an ear out for one prolonged blast from a horn, as this may be indicating a departing dock. Operators of smaller craft should attempt to travel in a group if at all possible, in order to be more visible.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?


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River Navigation

Boating in rivers is different than operating on an open waterway. Boating in rivers presents its own unique hazards and conditions. Some rivers may exhibit strong currents, which can affect your boat’s steering and the predictability of your craft.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

The water level in a river may also rise or lower more rapidly than an open waterway–exposing trees, rocks, sunken islands and other hazards. Always watch for these types of hazards and the navigation aids that may indicate their position.

When boating in rivers, and approaching a blind turn or a narrow channel, always keep as far to the starboard (right) side of waterway as is safe. Power-driven craft and sailboats less than 20 m in length must give way to less manoeuvrable crafts while navigating on a river.

If two vessels approach each other in a narrow channel where tide, river flow, or underwater features create dangerous currents, then the vessel going downstream is automatically afforded the right-of-way.

Canal Navigation

Canals are man-made waterways. A canal is typically narrower than a channel, and differs from a river as the depth of the water can be controlled.

You should always keep to the starboard (right) side of a channel, particularly when approaching oncoming traffic or entering a blind turn. Power-driven craft and sailboats less than 20 m in length must give way to less manoeuvrable crafts operating in a canal or shipping lane. Keep in mind that large vessels, such as commercial ships, are often restricted in their ability to manoeuvre in narrow channels and pleasure craft operators should steer well clear.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

There are a number of activities that are prohibited while in a canal:

  • No excessive noise between 11 pm and 6 am
  • No mooring a vessel to a navigation aid
  • No fishing within 10 m of a lock or from a bridge that passes over a navigation channel
  • It is illegal to dive, jump, scuba-dive, swim or bathe within 40 m of a lock, gate or dam

Safety around dams
Use caution when near canal dams where currents and undertows can be dangerous. Steer well clear of dams and adjust your course to avoid strong currents near dams, especially when operating a small craft.

Shipping Lanes

The Collision Regulations require that boaters be aware of shipping lanes (traffic lanes) and use extreme caution when near vessel traffic lanes. Large commercial ships often cannot see small pleasure craft operating ahead of them from the bridge. You should always proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane. Boaters should join or leave a traffic lane at its termination, but when joining or leaving from either side you should do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

You should avoid crossing traffic lanes but if you must, cross at a right angle to the general direction of traffic flow. If navigating near a shipping lane or near the termination of a shipping lane you should use caution and avoid the lane with as wide a margin as practicable. Always avoid anchoring in a shipping lane or near its termination. To increase your visibility to larger vessels in or near a shipping lane, you should stay in groups with other small boats, if possible.

Less Maneuverable Vessels

When operating in the vicinity of large commercial vessels, remember that these vessels have limited visibility, turning and stopping capabilities.

The Collision Regulations require that all smaller pleasure craft less than 20 m in length (including sailboats) must give right-of-way to larger, less manoeuvrable vessels. This is one of a few instances in which a motorized vessel has the right-of-way over a non-powered vessel.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

Large vessels, those towing a barge and those engaged in fishing activities with nets and trawls always have the right-of-way and are considered to be the stand-on craft. Pleasure power boats and sailboats must take early and substantial action to stay well clear of these types of vessels.

The Collision Regulations require that pleasure sailing craft and those power-driven vessels less than 20 m in length shall not hinder the passage of power-driven vessels which can safely navigate only in a narrow channel or those craft that are navigating in a traffic lane.

Boaters are required to follow the International Regulations for preventing collisions at sea and the Canadian modifications upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith and navigable by vessels as described in the Collision Regulations Rules 1 and 2 and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 Section 562. For more information visit www.tc.gc.ca.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in or near a shipping lane to increase their visibility?

When traveling to the United States by sea or inland waterway, Canadian citizens are required to present a single document that complies with the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). These requirements came into effect on June 1, 2009. Boaters should check with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for up-to-date requirements.

What should operators of small recreational boats do when navigating in shipping lanes?

When crossing shipping lanes or traveling in shipping lanes, pleasure craft operators need to watch for large ships and keep the following in mind..
Watch out for other vessels, and be ready to slow down and yield to large vessels. ... .
Make your pleasure craft more visible by operating in a group with other small boats..

What boats must give way to a ship in a shipping channel?

Sailing vessels A sailing vessel on a port tack must give way to a sailing vessel on a starboard tack. A port tack is when the wind is blowing from the port (left) side of the vessel. A starboard tack is when the wind is blowing from the starboard (right) side of the vessel.

What should the operator of powerboat do when approaching a very large vessel?

A power-driven vessel shall, as much as possible, keep out of the way of a vessel not under command. If possible, pleasure boat should travel in groups to increase their visibility. If at all possible, stay out of areas where there is commercial vessel traffic such as shipping lanes or traffic separation zones.

When navigating at night you see a boat displaying two all round lights in a vertical line?

A vessel when engaged in trawling, which means dragging a dredge net or other fishing apparatus through the water, shall display: two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the lower white.