[author] productivity and time management for the overwhelmed course

[author] productivity and time management for the overwhelmed course

Learning to manage your time wisely and effectively is an important skill for success. By removing distractions and working in a focused way, you will be able to improve your overall productivity. 

But what if efficiency doesn’t feel like a natural talent for you? The good news is, the internet makes many courses on productivity or time management easily accessible. If you want to become more productive, investing some of your hours or financial resources in the short-term can pay huge dividends in the long run. 

You can find many free online productivity and time management courses online. But paying for a course to help you maximize your time can actually have more benefits. For one thing, people tend to pay more attention to things they invest money in; this means you may be able to learn more when you pay for an online course than when you click on a free option. 

Online Productivity Courses You Can Take Right Now 

Did you know studies show that people who place greater value on time than on money tend to be happier? In more than five studies conducted with over 4,600 participants, lead researcher Ashley Willans found that “prioritizing time is associated with greater happiness.” 

Here is a list of online productivity and time management courses you can take right now to help you save more time.

1. Productivity and Time Management for the Overwhelmed 

Available on: Udemy

Price: $12.99 

[author] productivity and time management for the overwhelmed course

This complete course is designed to reduce your emotional stress, as it helps you take control of your mindset and develop your own personal plan to improve your productivity. This makes it a great choice for any personality type. 

2. Modern Productivity: Superhuman Focus in a Distracted World 

Available on: Udemy

Price: $11.99 

[author] productivity and time management for the overwhelmed course

This course uses a proven approach that will help you reclaim your focus, improve your productivity, and reach your goals. It aims to help you minimize distractions by teaching you the truth about multitasking and social media addictions. 

3. Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less

Available on: Udemy

Price: $10.99 

This course will teach you how to gain control of your own time and apply strategies for managing your schedule. It will help you identify the things that keep you from performing at your full potential, and help you build your customized system for productivity. 

4. Time Manage Like a Mother 

Available on: Thinkific

Price: $225.00

This course features live coaching, a free workbook, a daily journal log, and even one-on-one coaching from the instructor. It also boasts an original R.A.S.H. Method to help you maximize your time. 

5. Work SMART, not HARD! + Bonus Resources (Time Management) 

Available on: Udemy

Price: $10.99 

This free course will help you learn the art of focus by helping you identify the tasks that eat up most of your time. It will also teach you techniques for time management that let you prioritize the things that are most important. Its time-tested tricks and theories will help you utilize and master time. 

6. Effective Time Management – Get 10X More Done in Less Time

Available on: Udemy 

Price: Free

This course will show you the importance of task management over time management, and teach you how to prioritize the high value tasks to get more done. It also teaches you how to get rid of time killers to save you 8 hours every week. 

7. Time and Task Management: Time Management Techniques 

Available on: Udemy 

Price: $11.99 

If you constantly feel like you don’t have enough time, this hands-on, practical course is for you. It will teach you how to manage various kinds of activities, create priorities and to-do lists, and finally get organized and eliminate time suckers. 

8. Time Management: Get Organized

Available on: Thinkific 

Price: $99.75

This course starts by helping you diagnose your struggle with low productivity and high stress levels. It then proceeds to explain the ideal workflow for dealing with urgent and important matters, then guides you in a workflow walkthrough and tips for filing systems. 

9. Time Management & Productivity: Best Practices to Get More Done

Available on: Udemy 

Price: $10.99 

This course offers plenty of practical tips that you can immediately put to good use to manage your time and reach your big goals. It will also help you organize your email and reduce procrastination. 

10. Time Management & Productivity 

Available on: Udemy 

Price: $10.99 

This course will help you differentiate between important tasks in order to optimize your use of time. It will also help you keep yourself accountable by tracking what you’re getting done. It also lets you adapt its matrix for your own priorities and needs. 

11. Time Management: How to Get More Time In Your Day 

Available on: Thinkific 

Price: $99.00

If you frequently find yourself struggling to find time for the things you need to do, this course will help you optimize your work environment to increase productivity. It also helps you prioritize effectively and motivate yourself. 

12. Smart Tips: Productivity 

Available on: Udemy 

Price: $10.99 

This time management course will equip you with strategies and tools you need to become highly productive, both at home and at work. It will also teach you techniques for assertiveness and negotiation for your personal and business transactions.

13. Complete Time Management Course: Raise Personal Productivity 

Available on: Udemy

Price: $11.99 

This complete course will help you manage your time more efficiently by teaching you to set goals and find strategies by applying the Pareto Principle. It will also show you how to keep your smart phone from eating away at your time.

14. Time Management for Productivity and Work-Life Balance

Available on: Udemy

Price: $94.99

This course is designed to help you improve your productivity and manage time wisely by identifying common traps that steal your time. It will also help you develop personal strategies to overcome these traps and stop procrastinating, which results in a healthier work-life balance. 

15. Five Steps to Better Work-Life Balance 

Available on: Thinkific

Price: $109.00

Jim Bird teaches this course and shares three specific tools that will reduce your stress levels and improve your productivity and life balance. These tools emphasize peak performance while also accepting the variety of stressors and distractions you may encounter in life. 

Invest in Time Management Skills 

When you invest in skills like time management, you are investing in your productivity and future success.

Learn how to eliminate your distractions so you can spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love!

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Yen Cabag is the Blog Writer of TCK Publishing. She is also a homeschooling mom, family coach, and speaker for the Charlotte Mason method, an educational philosophy that places great emphasis on classic literature and the masterpieces in art and music. She has also written several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

How do you manage overwhelmed time?

Time management tips.
Let it out. ... .
Try the one-day rule. ... .
Don't multitask. ... .
Make yourself un-interruptible. ... .
Make a 10-minute list. ... .
Make a won't-do list. ... .
Have a “Tidy Friday” ... .
Keep it real..

What is time management and productivity?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management. Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities.