Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

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Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

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Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

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Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

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Which one of the following is not a step in sound ethical decision making process in business?

Select one:

a. Accept the causes

b. Identify the consequences

c. Gather the facts

d. Define the ethical issue

Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

Which of the following is not a step in the ethical decision making process?

Q: How can a company manufacturing chemical-based household products (detergents, liquid cleaners,…

A: Company Ethical Responsibility- Ethical responsibility is the capability of recognition,…

Q: What would be the relevant factors that should be considered when making ethical decisions in…

A: Ethics are very important for any organization because it helps in maintaining harmony among the…

Q: Identify the stages in the ethical decision-making framework

A: Managers can encourage ethical decision making in their organization in the following ways: The…

Q: how to analyze the potential ethical dilemmas in any organiazation.

A: Ethical dilemma: Ethical dilemmas are circumstances in which there is a challenging choice to be…

Q: Please reflect on and briefly discuss Ancient Greek Ethical philosophy. How do you think they could…

A: Moral theory in Greek culture predates philosophical thought. It was an important moral category for…

Q: Which of the following is not a benefit of social responsibility?

A: The answer is C is not the benefit of social responsibility. There are some points which proofs that…

Q: Explain how consistency forms the basis for integrity in one’s ethical thinking and reasoning.

A: Importance of Consistency in Ethics Coherence—the lack of contradictions—has sometimes been referred…

Q: How can the ethical decisions involved in marketing be improved

A: Following ethical decisions involved in marketing be improved:

Q: Identify the four steps in ethical decision making.

A: There are a lot of organizations that are active these days all across the world. This has been made…

Q: Identify the four steps in ethical decision making.

A: Managers can encourage ethical decision making in their organization in the following ways: The…

Q: In your own words, explain the differences between Ethical Universalism and Ethical Relativism.

A: Ethical relativism is the idea that ‘there is no measure for right and wrong without human society’s…

Q: Discuss the main causes of ethical issues in business and suggest what preventive measures a…

A: Fundаmentаl  ethiсаl  issues  in  business  inсlude  рrоmоting  соnduсt  bаsed  оn  integrity  аnd…

Q: What are some major social responsibility issues? Givean example of each

A: Social responsibility: It means that all the people and organizations have to work in the way to…

Q: What are some major social responsibility issues? Givean example of each

A: Social responsibility is very important for business ethics. Business is responsible for treating…

Q: Virtue Ethics do you agree with as a basis for ethical action and why?

A: No, I do not agree.  The issue with the submission. The method was associated with an…

Q: What is Ethics and The value of IT and IT & New Ethical Issue to produce the various applications of…

A: The study of the ethical dilemmas that arise from the usage and development of electronic…

Q: What is the relationship between business behavior that is legal and business decisions which are…

A: Business ethics is the study of acceptable business policies and procedures on potentially…

Q: Which of the following best describes morality?

A: Morality is basically a set of values that govern what is right or wrong.

Q: The beliefe that business should be responsible because such options are right form their own sake…

A: Social responsibility means to follow all the rules and regulations without any illegal or unethical…

Q: What are four possible reasons for the present state of ethical conduct in the United States?

A: Business is a set of activities, such as commercial, professional, or industrial activities. The…

Q: What are four possible reasons for the present state of ethical conduct in the United States?

A: Ethical conduct is defined as a behavior that is based on the code of ethics or ethical code…

Q: Describe the three criteria for making ethical decisions and explain how these criteria differ

A: Ethical decision making refers to the process of making a decision regarding what is right and wrong…

Q: Which are the three levels of ethical development?

A: Philosophers of Ethics strongly believe that everyone grows in respect to their ethical development.…

Q: What are business ethics? Describe two schools of thought on ethical standards. Explain Milton…

A: Ethics implies a set of rules or principles that the organization needs to follow. While in business…

Q: Discuss TOMS’s ethical foundation and its approach to social marketing and corporate social…

A: Small introduction about business model:- "Plan of action" alludes to an organization's benefit…

Q: Describe the utilitarianism, rights, fairness or justice,common good, and virtue approaches to…

A: Business ethics are morals or principles that acts as a guideline for the way a business conducts…

Q: Describe several individual factors that influence the level of ethical behavior in an organization.

A: The Level of Ethical Behavior in an Organization: Individual factors include knowledge level, moral…

Q: Describe several individual factors that influence the level of ethical behavior in an organization.

A: Ethical behavior in an organization is an important factor as it is one part of an organization's…

Q: Using one of the other ethical theories taught in the module (Kant, Human Rights Theory, Relativism)…

A: ANSWER : Supporting the human rights theory, where single-use plastic ought to be continued instead…

Q: Discuss how business eth-ics and social responsibility are related and then apply this discussion to…

A: Company ethics is defined as the examination of business behaviors and policies, and it encompasses…

Q: How do the components of moral compass shapes an individual values and ethics?

A: When considering the organizational context it is essential that each and every individual should…

Q: Identify the stages in the ethical decision-makingframework

A: Various steps of ethical decision-making framework are- Identify the ethical issue- It is one of…

Q: which one is the concept of Ethics?

A: Ethics refers to the values or norms accepted in society. It is what society thinks is correct. This…

Q: what is the best philosophical approach (capabilities, ethical, economic, corporate citizenship, or…

A: ETHICAL APPROACH: Ethical approach consists of different types of philosophical approaches which…

Q: Utilitarian’s theory suggests that ethical action is one which promotes the greatest good for the…

A: Business ethics: It is a kind of applied ethics, which is used by professionals or researchers to…

Q: Given that “society” is not an organized entity, how can society decide what the responsibilities of…

A: According to today's scenario of business, politics and society, sustainability is not a high enough…

Q: How would social responsibility affect stakeholders?

A: CSR benefits embrace a assured and scripted team, the flexibility to trace and manage stakeholder…

Q: Describe specifically on corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness and…

A: Organizations are completely professional these days. There are a number of responsibilities that…

Q: Explain the utilitarian, individualism, moral rights, justice, and practical approaches for making…

A: Ethics is guidelines of conduct that reveal how individuals should act in the numerous circumstances…

Q: What is the importantance of Corporate Social Responsibility initiative.

A: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company or an organisation or its business had a…


A: Since you have posted a question with multiple sub-parts, we will solve first three sub-parts for…

What are the steps in the ethical decision making process?

Ethical Decision Making Process.
Step One: Define the Problem. ... .
Step Two: Seek Out Resources. ... .
Step Three: Brainstorm a List of Potential Solutions. ... .
Step Four: Evaluate Those Alternatives. ... .
Step Five: Make Your Decision, and Implement It. ... .
Step Six: Evaluate Your Decision..

What are the 5 steps of ethical decision making?

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making.
Identify the Ethical Issues..
Get the Facts..
Evaluate Alternative Actions..
Choose an Option for Action and Test It..
Implement Your Decision and Reflect on the Outcome..

What are the 9 steps in the ethical decision making process?

Nine Basic Steps to Personal Ethical Decision Making.
Practice ethical behavior actively. ... .
Beware of "new" ethics programs. ... .
Define the ethical problem when it arises. ... .
Formulate alternatives. ... .
Evaluate the alternatives. ... .
Seek additional assistance, as appropriate. ... .
Choose the best ethical alternative..

What are the 4 steps to ethical behavior?

He concluded that ethical action is the result of four psychological processes: (1) moral sensitivity (recognition), (2) moral judgment (reasoning), (3) moral focus (motivation), and (4) moral character (action). The first step in moral behavior requires that the individual interpret the situation as moral.