Which statement most accurately represents the relationship between theory and research?

- Development of key defining factors and regulations of adolescents

- New legislation regarding adolescents and the workplace

- G. Stanley Hall

The development of key defining factors for adolescence began with the term adolescence being used instead of youth. This period really established the defining line between adolescence and adulthood. On that point, perhaps most significant event of this period, was the legislation put into place during the "Age of Adolescence" to establish laws against child labor, for instance, in the mining industry children were recruited because they were young and able, while also having to drop out of school, work in dangerous conditions and were paid minimal wages. Therefore, because children could be hired cheaply prior to the child labor laws, they were the largest majority of employed workers. Following child labor laws, legislation made attendance mandatory for students in both primary and eventually secondary school, as it was agreed that children needed a longer period in school. G. Stanley Hall is referred to as a major contributor of the "Age of Adolescence" in that he deemed this period of life to be influenced by peers, in that children engaged in observing their peers and social interactions. Hall defined adolescence as a period from age 14-24, and even started a movement known as the child study movement which aimed to maximize child potential in the home, school, and workplace. Hence Hall is considered a major contributor for the research he did in this new and growing field of the time.

Which statement most accurately represents the relationship between theory and research quizlet?

Which statement most accurately represents the relation between theory and research? Theory and research generate research; research modifies theory, which leads to further research.

What is the relationship between research and theory quizlet?

Research validates and modifies theory. Theories can be used to formulate a set of generalizations to explain relationships among variables. When empirically tested, the results of the research can be used to verify, modify, disprove or support a theoretical proposition. Theory guides practice.

How is theory used in research quizlet?

Why is theory important to research? Used to organize a discipline's body of knowledge and to establish what is known about a phenomenon. The theory expresses an idea, apart from any specific instance. Focuses on general things.

When conducting survey research why would one need to make sure the sample is stratified quizlet?

When conducting survey research, why would one need to make sure the sample is "stratified"? facilitate data collection and analysis with large samples.