Emotional intelligence at work learn from your emotions course

What is emotional intelligence, and why is it important? On this course, you’ll explore how emotional intelligence influences not only our relationships with others but also with ourselves.

As well as exploring the origins of emotional intelligence, you’ll also learn about the key theorists who have attempted to define, develop and discuss this fascinating construct.

Discover why emotional intelligence is so important

Emotional intelligence is a sought-after skill. You’ll learn about how it’s different from ‘traditional’ intelligence, as well as how it can be used to develop relationships and guide self-development.

To give a balanced view of the subject, you’ll also look at some of the criticisms of emotional intelligence research.

Develop your emotional intelligence skills

By exploring the emotional intelligence definition and some of the key concepts surrounding it, you can develop your own emotional intelligence skills.

You’ll be able to identify some of the central components of this vital soft skill, and how they can be applied in certain situations.

Understand how emotional intelligence improves performance in the workplace

By the end of this course, you’ll also understand how emotional intelligence at work can be used. You’ll examine ways in which it’s measured, as well as how it can be applied in various organisational settings.

These emotional intelligence examples can help give you context for how it is used in the workplace.

One of the key insights from the science of happiness is that our own personal happiness depends heavily on our relationships with others. By tuning into the needs of other people, we actually enhance our own emotional well-being. The same is true within organizations: those that foster trusting, cooperative relationships are more likely to have a more satisfied, engaged—and more productive and innovative—workforce, with greater employee loyalty and retention.

This course delves into the social and emotional skills that sustain positive relationships at work. It highlights the foundational and related skills of empathy and “emotional intelligence,” also known as EQ, which refers to the skills of identifying and regulating our own feelings, tuning into the feelings of others and understanding their perspectives, and using this knowledge to guide us toward constructive social interactions.

Drawing on research and real-world case studies, the course reveals how honing these skills promotes well-being within an organization, supporting everything from good management—managers high in empathy, for example, have employees who report being happier and take fewer sick days—to more effective teamwork, problem solving, and recovery from setbacks. The course also explains the psychological and neuroscientific roots of cooperative, compassionate behaviors, making the case that these are not just “soft” skills but core aspects of human nature that serve basic human needs as well as the bottom line.

What’s more, it offers practical ways to strengthen empathy, trust, and collaboration among teams and resolve conflicts more constructively—with a special emphasis on how socially intelligent leadership can build cultures of belonging and engagement.

The course instructors are expert faculty from UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Ph.D., whose earlier edX course, The Science of Happiness, has been a global phenomenon, inspiring a half million students worldwide. Here they take a central insight from that course—that our personal well-being is entwined with our social connections—and explain how to apply it to the modern workplace to create more productive, satisfying experiences at work.

Emotional intelligence at work learn from your emotions course

Discover how to:

  • Demonstrate greater self-awareness and awareness of others
  • Apply a technique for effectively asking for, and responding to, feedback
  • Examine how we can use proactive and reactive techniques to build resilience and effectively manage strong emotions
  • Positively influence other’s emotions to drive high performance

Key details

Blended learning for individuals


Group bookings:

Course overview

Emotion has a significant impact on an individuals’ performance. Research shows that people perform their best at work when they feel involved in purposeful work that develops who they are, and when they feel valued, cared for, consulted, respected, informed and understood. Conversely, research also shows that people often perform their worst when they feel unproductive feelings, such as feeling overly worried, frustrated, concerned, stressed, inadequate and fearful.

Emotional intelligence involves a set of skills that help us perceive, understand and manage emotions, both within ourselves and others. You can learn about and apply these skills to improve your self-awareness, resilience, influence and relationships both at work and outside of the workplace.

This course will help you improve your understanding of emotions and emotional intelligence and the impact emotions have on the way you and others think, learn, teach, lead, collaborate and problem solve.

Upcoming Applied emotional intelligence and related short courses

Events Search and Views Navigation

November 2022

November 22 @ 11:00 AM - November 29 @ 12:30 PM AEDT

Applied Emotional Intelligence

Online via Canvas

Course Overview - Applied Emotional Intelligence Emotion has a significant impact on an individuals’ performance. Research shows that people perform their best at work when they feel involved in purposeful […]

March 2023

March 1, 2023 @ 11:00 AM - March 8, 2023 @ 12:30 PM AEDT

Applied Emotional Intelligence

Online via Canvas

Course Overview - Applied Emotional IntelligenceEmotion has a significant impact on an individuals’ performance. Research shows that people perform their best at work when they feel involved in purposeful work […]

May 2023

May 5, 2023 @ 11:00 AM - May 12, 2023 @ 12:30 PM AEST

Applied Emotional Intelligence

Online via Canvas

Course Overview - Applied Emotional IntelligenceEmotion has a significant impact on an individuals’ performance. Research shows that people perform their best at work when they feel involved in purposeful work […]

  • Today

Course delivery

The AHRI blended learning course combines self-directed learning with live online facilitated learning sessions lead by an experienced HR and business professional.

The course includes:

Engagement: Pre-course tasks and an introductory e-learning module to stimulate thinking on the course topic and prepare for online sessions

– Online learning module inclusive of theory and practice – interactive learning activities, case studies and practical application opportunities
– Participation in two 90-minute live interactive learning sessions with an experienced HR facilitator

Application: Workplace application activities and additional learning resources that focus on how learning can be applied directly in the workplace

Reflection: Opportunity to reflect on and share learnings to facilitate transfer of learning to the workplace

Customised short course delivery for businesses and groups

AHRI offers customised short courses and packaging for groups. Courses can be delivered online, at your place of business or on location at the AHRI office in the Melbourne CBD.

To organise a group booking, please email [email protected] or call on 1300 811 880. 

How do you teach emotional intelligence in the workplace?

Consider these five techniques that you can use to boost your and your employees' EQ..
Stop and think about feelings. ... .
5 Key Soft Skills to Drive Business Success in 2019. ... .
Show empathy towards others. ... .
Listen to understand and not to answer. ... .
See challenges and criticism as a learning opportunity..

What is EQ course?

Emotional Intelligence Training is a set of practical knowledge and skills that help individuals to become fluent in understanding the language of emotions. The training aims at developing: Self-motivation.

What are the 5 emotional competencies of emotional intelligence?

According to Daniel Goleman , an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it:.
Social skills..

How do you use emotional intelligence in the workplace examples?

Some great examples of emotional intelligence in the workplace.
Listening to colleagues in meetings. ... .
Offering upset staff members understanding. ... .
Encourage an open office atmosphere where staff can express themselves without fear of criticism..